The bags2GO brand is currently distributed exclusively by L-SHOP-TEAM GmbH . We stock a selection of articles at PenCarrie House (UK). You will find a list of all our sales partners in the main navigation menu of this site under ‘Sales ‘Partners’, along with the relevant contact information.
You will find the full range of bags2GO articles at all L-SHOP-TEAM GmbH subsidiaries. Selected articles are available at PenCarrie House (UK).
Catalogues can be ordered through the L-SHOP-TEAM GmbH sales partners. Simply visit the online shop of your chosen L-SHOP-TEAM subsidiary and place your order under ‘Sales & Marketing’, Catalogues.
If you would like to receive our latest offers and information, be sure to regularly visit the website of our sales partner, the L-SHOP-TEAM GmbH, or subscribe to our newsletter. You can also find us on Facebook with the profile @bags2GOeu.